2020 has been an extraordinary year – the COVID pandemic has changed our travel behaviour for the foreseeable future, and a new ‘normal’ has as yet to evolve.
Many governments have encouraged their citizens to walk more in their local neighbourhoods, to undertake essential errands, as well as for better physical and mental health. Changes are being made in our streets to accommodate ‘social distancing’ with more outdoor space being allocated for entertainment, leisure and hospitality. Looking further in to the future, what might the world of walking be like in twenty years time?
Record your Vision for walking in 2040 on your smartphone using Voice Memo (iPhone) or Voice Notes (Android) as if you were leaving a message on our voicemail, and then send this to us by email to talkingwalking [at] museumofwalking.org.uk . We will then edit the ones we receive and publish them here on Talking Walking. Your recording should be no more than 5 minutes in duration – aim for fewer than 400 words of written text.
We ask you to answer these three questions, recording your answers on a Voice Memo / Note
- Who are you and from where are you calling?
- What are you working on presently that revolves around walking?
- What is your vision for walking in 2040?
If you wish, please do email us a photograph (no larger than 2MB) of yourself and a transcript of what you say (if you wrote a script), that we can use to add to your Vision:
talkingwalking [at] museumofwalking.org.uk
If you would like to take part, please submit your Vision of walking in 2040 before the end of January 2021.
We are delighted to have 20×20 Visions featured in the January edition of Country Walking Magazine – we are looking forward to having some of their readers submitting their 20×20 Visions.
Listen to 20×20 Visions already submitted

Grace Adam (UK) artist and educator

Matthew Beaumont (UK) author and professor of English

Tom Bolton (UK) author and historian

Kristie Daniel (CAN) working in global public health

Rachael Elliott (UK) – creative

Bradley Garrett (USA) author, geographer and urban explorer

Dee Heddon (UK) – walking artist, performer and academic

Nick Hallissey (UK) Deputy Editor of Country Walking Magazine

Nick Hayes (UK) – author, illustrator and campaigner

Ralph Hoyte (UK) a poet and locative media artist

Nick Hunt (UK) – author and adventurer

Paul Kelly (UK) – a physical activity researcher

Jacky Kennedy (CAN) former Director of Canada Walks

Rowena Macaulay (UK) – mapper, route deviser and walking campaigner

Phoebe McIndoe (UK) – audio producer

Idit Nathan & Helen Stratford (UK) from the fields of art and architecture

Maggie O’Neill (IRE) – a sociologist and criminologist

Pam Patterson (CAN) artist and performer

Julie Poitras Santos (US) – artist, curator and performer

Clare Qualmann (UK) – walking artist and educator

John Reed (UK) psycho-geographer and tour guide

Leena Raudvee (CAN) – artist and performer

Richard Smith (UK) author, gynaecologist and pilgrim

Mel Sutton (UK) – meditation instructor and health coach

Stefaan van Biesen (BEL) sound artist and performer

Elinor Whidden (CAN) – adventurer, sculptor, performer

Leon Yates (AUS) – an eagle observer and nature trekking guide

Carolyn Affleck Youngs (CAN) author and peace walker
Coming shortly …